Thursday, February 22, 2007

Indian Media

Indian News Media

As Dr. Abdul Kalam has mentioned in one of his speech Media plays a major role for a prosprective developing nation. Indian media is doing a great thankless job with new trends and technics to catch the glimpse of a developing nation viz: stock markets, upcoming developments, technology involvement, interviews with entrepreneurs, etc.

We miss all these things in the middle of some culprits, politicians, religious fanatics. News media has to charactize both the good and bad things happening in the society. We can avoid these things by placing the good, insipirational artciles in the upfront. A good example was a interview conduct by Vijay T.V. How many of us know the CEO of "Arun Ice Cream" and the way he has met overcome the challenges. How many of us know him?

In India when there is a important speech made by Prime Minister or President the only media which shows is DD. In U.S. the whole media covers the Presedent's speech in T.V and the next day... [To Be Continued]

Friday, February 2, 2007

A Indian Dream

Indian dream is to live in a developed India where, "